Sunday 10 November 2013

Last week, I received a letter from an organisation called Crisis, the national charity for single homeless people. In the "Crisis at Christmas" appeal, they are searching for people who feel generous enough to make a donation to reserve a seat at a multitudinous Christmas dinner for someone who is homeless. It automatically reminded me of the couple from Atlanta who, after cancelling their wedding, they decided to donate their four-course wedding reception meal to 200 homeless people (read here).  

I am not sure if I have become a more generous person since I am in the UK, but as soon as I read the letter, I actually considered making a donation. During my time in the UK, I have noticed that British people are much more concerned of this kind of stuff and are willing to make what is in their power contribute. Even though a report published the 13th September 2013 says "one in four do little or nothing for charity", I think it is very positive that the other three out of four do "something". 

I have never donated money to an organisation before, mostly because I am not sure the donated money will ever get to them. I don't like those kind of people who donate to feel better persons and I don't even like the idea of donating JUST because it is Christmas time. We might be able to solve more issues by doing a caring action to the guy you see everyday playing his flute on your way home, for example.

Nevertheless, I should start with one step, first. This first step will be a hot Christmas dinner for somebody who will be very thankful.

Reserve a dinner for homeless people here.
Posted by Great little place called Bristol On Sunday, November 10, 2013 No comments


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